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We inform you that your personal information collected during the registration process will be processed in order to allow you to access the reserved access services on the website (for example, processing your orders and other steps necessary to it, including operations for administrative and fiscal obligations) and to improve the services offered.

We wish to state that any personal data collected to process your order and the after-sales assistance, for instance personal information such as name and surname, residence and number and expiry date of the Credit Card, holder of the credit card and related security code) will be processed by Go Global Ecommerce Srl with sole shareholder, with registered offices in Via L. Colli, 15, 10128 Torino, Italy, tax code and VAT n.IT08003340018 and COMPANY NAME with sole shareholder, with registered offices in COMPANY ADDRESS, COMPANY ADDRESS, COMPANY CITY (D), VAT n.VAT NUMBER.

Go Global Ecommerce Srl is in charge of direct sales to users and of the transactions carried out in COMPANY NAME's online shop, such as fulfilling customer orders, sale and delivery of products, managing returns and warranties and any other activity necessary to the sale of products through COMPANY NAME's online shop.

In case of refusal to provide your data, Go Global Ecommerce Srl would not be able to accept any order from you. Should you wish to have the complete list of the data controllers that process your data for Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME, you can contact our Customer Service or write to Go Global Ecommerce Srl or COMPANY NAME to the addresses provided above.

Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME are joint data controllers with regards to the processing of personal information (also handled by means of automated instruments) for marketing, informative and promotional purposes, included those of commercial nature, among which the newsletter, market research and statistics. For the purposes mentioned above, and within the limits of your consent, Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME may collect your personal data, name, surname, gender, address, birth date, email and country of residence. Data acquired will be processed manually and electronically and will be used exclusively for the purposes authorized by the user's consent.

We also inform you that your personal data will not be communicated to third parties or otherwise distributed, with the exception of companies that are controlling, subsidiaries and/or affiliated to COMPANY NAME and Go Global Ecommerce Srl and are involved in marketing or commercial activities on behalf of COMPANY NAME.

With regards to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of personal information is handled by means of manual, automated and electronical tools, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data, pursuant to the Italian Data Protection Code. Your personal data may be seen by the internal and external employees and collaborators of COMPANY NAME and Go Global Ecommerce Srl

You can contact Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME if you wish to be informed on your personal data, to update, modify or erase your data if processed unlawfully, or if you wish to exercise any right pursuant to article 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, with regards to the data collected relating to the order processing and the post-sale assistance.

You can contact Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME if you wish to be informed on your personal data, to update, modify or erase your data, or if you wish to exercise any right pursuant to article 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, with regards to the Newsletter, promotional, informational and advertising materials which may have been authorized.

We kindly remind you that, pursuant to art. 7,Legislative Decree 196/2003 (the Italian Data Protection Code) :

1. A data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him exist, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.

2. A data subject shall have the right to be informed:

a) of the source of the personal data;

b) of the purposes and methods of the processing;

c) of the logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means;

d) of the identification data concerning data controller, data processors and the representative designated as per Section 5(2);

e) of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State's territory, data processor(s) or person(s) in charge of the processing.

3. A data subject shall have the right to obtain

a) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;

b) erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;

c) certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.

4. A data subject shall have the right to object, in whole or in part,

a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;

b) to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys,

If you wish to exercise your rights pursuant to the Italian Data Protection Code, you can address a request to Go Global Ecommerce Srl or COMPANY NAME to the addresses provided above. You can also request a complete and updated list of the data controllers at the same addresses.

Consult the General Conditions of Sale
  • Save details for faster and easier return checkout
  • Track your orders
  • Check your order history
  • Store several addresses
  • Securely store billing information
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We inform you that your personal information collected during the registration process will be processed in order to allow you to access the reserved access services on the website (for example, processing your orders and other steps necessary to it, including operations for administrative and fiscal obligations) and to improve the services offered.

We wish to state that any personal data collected to process your order and the after-sales assistance, for instance personal information such as name and surname, residence and number and expiry date of the Credit Card, holder of the credit card and related security code) will be processed by Go Global Ecommerce Srl with sole shareholder, with registered offices in Via L. Colli, 15, 10128 Torino, Italy, tax code and VAT n.IT08003340018 and COMPANY NAME with sole shareholder, with registered offices in COMPANY ADDRESS, COMPANY ADDRESS, COMPANY CITY (D), VAT n.VAT NUMBER.

Go Global Ecommerce Srl is in charge of direct sales to users and of the transactions carried out in COMPANY NAME's online shop, such as fulfilling customer orders, sale and delivery of products, managing returns and warranties and any other activity necessary to the sale of products through COMPANY NAME's online shop.

In case of refusal to provide your data, Go Global Ecommerce Srl would not be able to accept any order from you. Should you wish to have the complete list of the data controllers that process your data for Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME, you can contact our Customer Service or write to Go Global Ecommerce Srl or COMPANY NAME to the addresses provided above.

Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME are joint data controllers with regards to the processing of personal information (also handled by means of automated instruments) for marketing, informative and promotional purposes, included those of commercial nature, among which the newsletter, market research and statistics. For the purposes mentioned above, and within the limits of your consent, Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME may collect your personal data, name, surname, gender, address, birth date, email and country of residence. Data acquired will be processed manually and electronically and will be used exclusively for the purposes authorized by the user's consent.

We also inform you that your personal data will not be communicated to third parties or otherwise distributed, with the exception of companies that are controlling, subsidiaries and/or affiliated to COMPANY NAME and Go Global Ecommerce Srl and are involved in marketing or commercial activities on behalf of COMPANY NAME.

With regards to the aforementioned purposes, the processing of personal information is handled by means of manual, automated and electronical tools, in order to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data, pursuant to the Italian Data Protection Code. Your personal data may be seen by the internal and external employees and collaborators of COMPANY NAME and Go Global Ecommerce Srl

You can contact Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME if you wish to be informed on your personal data, to update, modify or erase your data if processed unlawfully, or if you wish to exercise any right pursuant to article 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, with regards to the data collected relating to the order processing and the post-sale assistance.

You can contact Go Global Ecommerce Srl and COMPANY NAME if you wish to be informed on your personal data, to update, modify or erase your data, or if you wish to exercise any right pursuant to article 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, with regards to the Newsletter, promotional, informational and advertising materials which may have been authorized.

We kindly remind you that, pursuant to art. 7,Legislative Decree 196/2003 (the Italian Data Protection Code) :

1. A data subject shall have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him exist, regardless of their being already recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form.

2. A data subject shall have the right to be informed:

a) of the source of the personal data;

b) of the purposes and methods of the processing;

c) of the logic applied to the processing, if the latter is carried out with the help of electronic means;

d) of the identification data concerning data controller, data processors and the representative designated as per Section 5(2);

e) of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the personal data may be communicated and who or which may get to know said data in their capacity as designated representative(s) in the State's territory, data processor(s) or person(s) in charge of the processing.

3. A data subject shall have the right to obtain

a) updating, rectification or, where interested therein, integration of the data;

b) erasure, anonymization or blocking of data that have been processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is unnecessary for the purposes for which they have been collected or subsequently processed;

c) certification to the effect that the operations as per letters a) and b) have been notified, as also related to their contents, to the entities to whom or which the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort compared with the right that is to be protected.

4. A data subject shall have the right to object, in whole or in part,

a) on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, even though they are relevant to the purpose of the collection;

b) to the processing of personal data concerning him/her, where it is carried out for the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market or commercial communication surveys,

If you wish to exercise your rights pursuant to the Italian Data Protection Code, you can address a request to Go Global Ecommerce Srl or COMPANY NAME to the addresses provided above. You can also request a complete and updated list of the data controllers at the same addresses.

Consult the General Conditions of Sale